Summer of 69 Directed by Steve Barron, written by Adams and Vallance -- a true classic. The "69" reference is not about the year, it's about nostalgia and making love in the summer time. Who's so jealous?
A Transcription of "Summertime" from Gershwin played by "The Pianos of Cha'n" from the album "Inspirations". Saying goodbye to summer time with a Gershwin's Summertime .
Music video by Kenny Chesney performing Summertime. (C) 2005 BMG Musick Saying goodbye to summer time with a Kenny Chesney song. Today is the last full day of summer. The Autumnal Equinox occurs overnight September 22/23, 2015 Eastern Daylight Time: 4:21 a.m. Central Daylight Time: 3:21 a.m. Mountain Daylight Time: 2:21 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time: 1:21 a.m.