
Showing posts with the label tabloid journalism

Dirty Laundry by Don Henley - a song that's aged well regarding the news industry

Dirty Laundry by Don Henley, released October 12, 1982. The song Dirty Laundry still has aged exceptionally well. Nothing has changed, only gotten worse. But this song has aged nicely, putting the worst light on "journalism." Donley Henley and the Eagles, for that matter, were opposed to allowing their work on YouTube for a long time. Finally, here is Dirty Laundry .  Dirty Laundry and the bubble-headed bleach blond character is about the superficiality and callousness of network television news reporting, as well as the toward tabloid journalism and sensationalism in journlism.  This song just might be the "tongue in cheek" theme song of CARDINAL NEWS.